Approximately 400,000 people in Utah are food insecure. As individuals we throw away up to 40% of the food we buy, and companies and events often generate food waste even in their efforts to be efficient. That food waste then contributes to the wasted organic matter in landfills that provides roughly 20% of all methane emissions. 

What if we could divert this excess food away from landfills to feed those in need?

Here at Waste Less Solutions that is our aim, to educate and seek ways to reduce the amount of food wasted in our communities. Our work is accomplished through educating consumers and food entities on the issue and solutions, and by offering a food diversion program that engages our community to help rescue edible food and get it to the food insecure in our community.

Step 1

We identify food purveyors or companies who have excess high quality food that may otherwise go to waste.

Step 2

We recruit and organize volunteers (called rescuers) to pick up food and deliver it to partner organization.

Step 3

Our partner organizations make use of this high quality food, feeding those in need and keeping food out of the landfill.


You can help Waste Less Solutions perfect this cycle and keep it going by becoming a volunteer or partner now, plus monetary donations are always welcome to support our work.

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